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BY Vince Aletti, May 1, 2016
BY Vince Aletti, December 16, 2016
Formed in 1963 by 11 photographers who recognized the necessity of “a forum to address the underrepresentation of African Americans in their field,” the Kamoinge Workshop gave its members a sense of solidarity and support in a period when black Americans were the frequent subject of mainstream media coverage but rarely its author.
BY Sarah Boxer, May 3, 2018
If there is one medium over which the photographer...
BY Sarah Boxer, September 5, 2017
Raghubir Singh, the Indian photographer who died i...
BY Jordan G. Teicher, January 2, 2016
Disturbed by the lack of a visual record of Americ...
BY Giada De Agostinis, February 20, 2020
In a special feature, photograph magazine asked eight professionals in the field of photography to each select a single photograph related to the climate crisis that resonated with them in the last year.
BY Lyle Rexer, March 1, 2024
The photographer and philanthropist founded the Saltman Prize with the Center for Photography at Woodstock and PhotoFairs NY to help emerging artists move forward.
BY Sarah Boxer, December 12, 2019
In late September, I interviewed the cantankerous photographer Duane Michals, now 87, who is known for composing photographic dramas that often include his handwritten text.
BY Lyle Rexer, November 1, 2016
At a time when youth and age seem to be blending i...
BY Catherine Wagley, June 27, 2019
Emile, Man of the Future, 2016-17, barely even looks like a man. The large photograph, installed in Lucas Blalock’s first solo museum show, at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in downtown Los Angeles through July 21.
BY Glen Helfand, September 28, 2019
Three notable shows in Northern California this summer provide examples of how sculpture, and the idea of sculpture, are explored in photo-based work: Erin Shirreff, Sara VanDerBeek, and Catherine Wagner each make photo-based art and objects that are deeply informed by sculptural concerns.
BY Jean Dykstra, September 28, 2019
Apollo’s Muse: The Moon in the Age of Photography,...
BY Lyle Rexer, January 3, 2023
The influential artist and writer reinstalls a landmark work for a new generation of viewers.